Law firm ENSIS

Law firm ENSIS


projekt strony www dla ensis kancelaria

The beginning

One of my first serious websites, where I had a chance to focus on every small detail, every inconsistency and every off element with detailed Kuba, the owner of Ensis. The website is online for couple of years already and we still keep a good contact with the owner :) 


I focus on implementing all the content in the clean website. Content in law industry matters a lot, it helps build the authority and reliability among law firms. Eventually we got... a lot of pages :)

0 +
landing pages
0 +
years of collaboration
responsywny layout strony internetowej ensis

Design begins in details

My favourite part of the website are the tiles on the homepage and specialisation page. Not only because of modern look, but also because it's perfectly aligned down to one pixel :) 

responsywny layout strony internetowej ensis

Do you have an idea?

I will find the time, attention, and passion for you. Get in touch and let's create something wonderful together!